You SHOULD definitely expect to move the needle in your business if you are NOT any of these things… 


  • Talking non-stop about ‘me me me’
  • Too much fluff, not enough meat
  • Bait & switch headlines
  • Unoriginal hacked secrets that are overused
  • Fake live launches that are clearly not happening in real time
  • Staged testimonials
  • High pressure sales
  • Hype-y style personality transformations just to get in “state” to convince people to buy
  • All in one solution platforms waving a magic wand over your launch
  • A Lazy Bones launcher

Here’s the #TRUTHBOMB 💣 


Below Is The Average Launch of An Exhausted Launcher:


  • PHASE 1: The first two months you’re in runway mode. You go into your market spreading your messaging, profiling, and stereotyping, working off the notes you took from an online course that teaches how to launch your program... 
    • Has your messaging been right for your ideal customer? Are you connecting with your audience? Have you tapped into the external and internal emotions properly? Do you really know who your perfect audience is?



  • PHASE 2: It is all too easy to fall into the ‘List Building Frenzy’, trying to get any Tom, Dick, and Harry to sign up to your FREE pdfs and other giveaways leading up to your launch.
    • IF only you knew WHO are these people that are signing up? You have ads running to get people into your list before opening registration. BUT WHY do you think these ads are cheap? Do you actually know this audience's true desires? Do you know their true problems? AND what do they need from you? Why did they sign up in the first place?


  • PHASE 3: You should be getting excited, and you’re now in pre-launch runway mode. You’ve got Facebook lives scheduled for every day leading up to the launch. You have tons of NEW giveaways connected to your course & offer, however…
    • Have you only attracted the freebie seekers? Do your hard efforts only focus on the people who want the free stuff. I bet your pre-launch strategy isn’t attracting the right type of people who are looking for your solution. And instead, your perfect customer is still out there looking lost… looking for you.
  • PHASE 4: Your offer hasn’t been validated… A few sales here. A few sales there. Or even with a 100 sales per launch, this does NOT validate your offer like a yard sale for Grandma’s secret hotcake recipe.
    • Validating your offer to a small segment of your target market is a dangerous territory. Instead, you wanna make sure your messaging and your offer speaks directly to each of your customers' problems. Your customers will have different problems that will each need different solutions during your launch, and relying on ONE key message won't cut the mustard.


  • PHASE 5: You have 1000’s of people joining your event and your ads budget is almost run dry. But it’s ok, you got this right?
    • Winging it won’t help. Not knowing who exactly has registered for your upcoming event is like leading the blind over hot coals. For all you know your launch audience could be Facebook scrollers who were bored and just clicked on your ad.


  • PHASE 6: Show Up. Stick Around. Get MORE Sales. 
    • The cart open day is approaching. You’re nervous because your show up rate has been below average at 25%...

Hopefully, you didn’t do what I see ALLLLLL the time and base your webinar slides on your own perspectives...

... and instead what it should be are the needs, desires, and perspectives of your ideal clients?

The last thing we want during a launch is left with a few stragglers who stay to the end out of pity...


It is OK. Not all is lost.


You have that...

Ultimate Follow Up Sequence

The one you swiped and copied from an online course you purchased. But what if I told you it makes your emails sound like a nursery rhythm because everyone else has copied the same follow up.

🛌 The cart draws to an end! You are too tired to hang around until midnight to watch the final closing hours, and instead, you collapse on your bed and fall asleep in seconds... 😴

And finally… the cart has closed!



DO you .. Go Back To Accepting The Same Old Launch Story:


📧 Do you blame your email delivery and follow up?

🏧 Do you blame the checkout page

📝 Do you blame your copywriter

🔡 Do you blame your sales page?

🗯 Do you blame your messaging?

📸 Do you blame the images & videos you used?

🎁 Do you blame your bonuses NOT resonating with your audience? 

👨‍💻 Do you blame your Facebook ads person? 

🤓 Do you blame not trying something new like affiliate partners?


Can you relate?


Here is a clue → It is NOT just one thing’ like this↑ list above that is causing your emotions to think of a reason WHY you thought your launch was a failure.

Online events are a FANTASTIC way to teach, define, and sell to your audience.


Did you see how popular online summits became during the pandemic lockdown? 


AND Launches are a fantastic way to market and sell to enroll on mass…

BUT, only if:


💰 You have a well-aligned message that speaks directly to your target marketing

💰 You know exactly HOW to segment your audience into specific groups depending on their current circumstances or problems

💰 You can create a buzz from personalizing the experience for each of your audience

💰 You are ready to ‘CUSTOMISE’ the edu-tainment experience that sets you out from YOUR market

💰 You have a highly relevant offer that speaks directly to your audience without overwhelming


💰 THE BIG ONE: You have surveyed your audience and you know exactly what they want from you so you can control your own launch results...

How Do You Control Your Launch Results?

CLICK HERE to read the final page on 'How To Control Your Launch Results >