So you want to how to get a 🔮 launch crystal ball 🔮 that will tell you everything you need to know during your launch. Even knowing exactly what your market wants from you without relying on some FB ads expert who tells you otherwise…


… How do we get the cystal ball inside your launch? YOU get it from the horse's mouth. You SURVEY your audience during your launch.

Surveying Your Audience 'DURING' Your Launch Gives You The Knowledge That You Need To Move The Needle In Your Business & Smash Your Previous Results.


↑ Read that sentence again until it sinks in... 


Here is what a survey allows you to do:


👉 DID you know that the BIG Online Launch Masters all survey inside their launch? 


YES, they survey while they are launching. In fact, they are forever surveying you beyond. Profiling you. Using data to help them make clever decisions that lead to more customers, more sales, and more of an IMPACT.

Have you also noticed they do this BEFORE their launch? DURING their launch, and AFTER the launch… 



NOTE: It is not uncommon to have your audience feel different emotions or experiencing new struggles. Never assume your audience is ONLY ever struggling with one problem and your job is to keep delivering the same messaging for your solution. Instead you want to deliver the right message at the right time depending on their current situation WHEN you are launching.




So you can switch your messaging to be more relevant to YOUR audience just in case your offer is slightly off or not on point to what your next launch audience is looking for from you as a solution.


How do you SWITCH your messaging…?

Imagine you had that crystal ball 🔮 I mention before, and you could discover info before going into your launch.

🔮 Imagine if you discover 70% of your audience are stuck in the same situation AND you have not featured HOW you can help them solve these issues heavily in your launch material and promotional content...

... you assumed your audience was stuck with another issue that is more common in your niche. 




Here are some examples:

> You would be able to quickly go to a stack of slides, take out info on ABC and replace with XYZ knowing that your audience wants more of that specific subject from you… 


> Get your VA to quickly swap out some of your emails in the follow-up sequence so that your cart open period is hitting the right message for higher conversion rates… 


> Showcase more of those testimonials you have on Jane Doe because her amazing ‘before and after’ message will resonate more with your audience, and maybe take out the testimonial from Joe Bloggs because you don’t want to confuse your potential buying customer.

THAT is HOW you fine-tune your launch.

THAT is HOW you lessen the risk.

THAT is HOW you get closer to DREAM results.


... you do a launch like this then your expectations are more realistic. You have the confidence to fine-tune certain elements. And THERE is not one missing piece to solve everything.

Hopefully, you are starting to realise that a successful launch is understanding that it is a series of ‘THINGS’? 



Online launches can be presented in many different styles of Edu-tainment that become extremely powerful to build your brand, likeability, and change your life.



Focus On What Matters In A Launch:

✅ Increase YOUR show up rates

✅ Control YOUR audience stick rates

✅ Predict YOUR sales Conversions

✅ Enhance YOUR audience engagement into a buying frenzy

✅ Create your very own experience for YOUR audience that has them talking about YOU all over the internet. 💥


Don’t believe ME?


Here Is A Handful Who Do These Exact Strategies Inside EVERY Launch They run:


Jeff Walker

Brandon Bruchard

James Wedmore

Amy Porterfield.


I know these people. I am sure you probably are aware of at least one.


Not only are they my mentors, some I call my close friends, and I have done business with these people.


This is my mantra. When you launch consistently, and you learn HOW to uplevel each time, then your messaging improves. Your positioning and brand mature. You SHOW up more. You start to target your perfect audience. And you start to see a REAL change in your business's growth.

‣ Launching can be HARD 😭

‣ It can be confusing 😕

‣ It can also be VERY exhausting 😴

But with the right support and a proven method, it doesn’t need to be those things.

⁉️ But Jack, How Do I Control My Next Launch Like Neo From The Matrix?

By…  not doing this:


By… not running the SAME launch as previously before and expecting a miracle to happen overnight that doubles your sales income.


By… thinking JV partners or affiliates are the answer to all your problems but your launches have been too inconsistent to attract JV’s.


By… borrowing money from family or friends and pumping EXTRA 💵 💵 💵 into Facebook ads thinking if you had more registrants then surely that would lead to more sales, right? WRONG!


By… buying another $1,000+ course from an online expert who apparently has the only magical formula you need to hit a 6-figure launch.



OR… Maybe it’s time for you to become the Neo from the Matrix during your next launch, and learn how to control your own destiny ↓



Read on:

It is time for you to discover what THEY don’t teach in those BIG online courses such as creating compelling launch content that YOU can easily clip onto your current launch process for maximising your conversions


✅ Discover HOW to become the MASTER of launching in your niche and create a powerful surge that effortlessly moves people to buy!


✅ Finally, move the needle in your business, stop the suffering from launch exhaustion, and make more of an impact with less effort.


Are you ready to control and predict your next launch with more confidence?


Watch My FREE Training Experience Here >


Thank you for reading and getting this far, I genuinely am grateful for your time. If you have read all the way down to this point (and not just scroll to the bottom), then I would like to invite you to watch my free training that goes into more detail on my exclusive launch matrix formula, and HOW this framework gives you the crystal ball to predict your results and has given my clients at least DOUBLE more sales income for their business.



‣ Jack Long


Are You Ready to Control and Predict Your Next Launch?

Enrollment to Launch Intensive Bootcamp opens in:









For the Exhausted Seasoned Launcher, Course Creator, Expert, or Coach That Wants To Increase Their Launch Conversions & Wants To Smash Their Income Goals With a Highly Relevant Offer ...

… without launching alone

“Launches Have Evolved, Make Sure You Have The Game Plan To Stay One Step Ahead Of The Market.”

P.S. We are opening the doors to my Launch Intensive Bootcamp this month for a NEW batch of superstar online course creators and coaches. And this blog post is a precursor to the training that will be coming when The Launch Intensive Bootcamp opens again.
I’m tired of watching people stay stuck in formulas that don’t fit them, and if we all just make better online experiences for our audiences, then the old crappy online sales processes we’re all tired of…will in fact die. Without a funeral. Good riddance. Click the yellow button on this page to dive into more detail: